Hearing Aids Can Decrease the Risk of Falling

Hearing Aids Can Decrease the Risk of Falling

Kids have a tendency to fall on a daily basis. Wiping out on your bicycle? That’s typical. Tripping over your own feet when you’re running outside? Happens all of the time. Kids are pretty limber so, no big deal. They rebound pretty easily. As you get older though, that becomes less and less true. The […]

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Hearing Aids: What Users Actually Think, and Why You Should Care

Most people are pleased with their hearing aids: As reported by one recent survey, when talking one-on-one, 91% of individuals who wear hearing aids are pleased with their results. When processing results with specific activities, 75% were satisfied in a restaurant or on the phone, 78% were satisfied while in the grocery store, and 85% […]

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Have a Safe And fun Vacation Even if You’re Dealing With Hearing Loss

There are two kinds of vacations, right? One type is full of activities at all times. This kind will leave you more tired than when you left but all of the adventures will be recalled for years to come. The other kind is all about unwinding. You may not even do much of anything on […]

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Can I Use my Hearing Aid While I’m Wearing my Glasses?

TV shows and movies tend to use close-ups (often extreme close-ups) when the action begins getting really intense. This is because more information than you’re probably even consciously aware of is conveyed by the human face. To say that human beings are very facially centered is, well, not a stretch. So it’s not surprising that […]

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How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Replaced?

How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Replaced?

It’s tough to be apart from your hearing aid after you get used to using one. After all, your hearing aids are important to connect to your world. But just like all technology, though, it will have to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the typical […]

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Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Have you ever slept with the window in your bedroom open and awoke to the beautiful sound of birds singing just as the sun comes up? Most people probably don’t even know that the name for those bird-songs is the “dawn chorus”. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to belt […]

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Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

Getting The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

A car isn’t really an impulse buy (unless you’re very, very wealthy). So a lot of research is most likely the first step you take. You check out reviews, you compare prices, and you consider gas mileage. Google is your best friend right now. This level of research is logical! For most people who aren’t […]

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Over the Counter Hearing Aids: Are You Taking a Risk?

Do you remember those gallon buckets of ice cream you used to get at supermarkets? As a kid, they were the best thing ever because they offered a whole gallon of ice cream, that’s a lot of frozen custard and high-fructose corn syrup! But as you grow up, you begin to get a little more […]

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Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Professionally Repaired?

You take good care of your hearing aids. Cleaning them daily, you make sure they’re safe and comfortable on their charger when you go to bed. Suddenly and discouragingly, your hearing aids are no longer working the way they used to. There are several things you can do to troubleshoot the problem, thankfully. Not doing […]

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When is it Time to Get an Upgraded Hearing Aid?

When is it Time to Get an Upgraded Hearing Aid?

If you’re still using your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also may be costing you in some ways. Within the last few years, hearing aid technology has made significant progress. It’s gone to digital from analog, for one thing, and there are features currently that weren’t even […]

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