What You Should Know About Ear Candling

What You Should Know About Ear Candling

DIY is all the rage nowadays and everyone likes a quick easy fix. Sink Leaking? Just search YouTube for the suitable plumbing tutorial, buy the suggested tools, and go to work! A plumber would most likely be a little more efficient but then you wouldn’t get that feeling of self-satisfaction that comes with doing it […]

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How to Drive Safely When You Have Hearing Loss

How to Drive Safely When You Have Hearing Loss

Lots of older people have hearing loss, but does that mean it’s unsafe for them to drive? The response isn’t clear-cut, as driving habits differ among individuals. Even if some adjustments need to be made to the volume of the radio, hearing loss shouldn’t mean a skilled driver needs to stop driving. Whether hearing loss […]

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Hearing Loss While You’re Pregnant

Hearing Loss While You’re Pregnant

It’s an awesome and wonderful experience, having a child. But it can also be sort of… uncomfortable, at least sometimes, and at least in terms of how it can make you feel. There are all kinds of peculiar side effects, including morning sickness, health challenges, and changes to your body. None of this detracts from […]

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The Dynamics of Selective Hearing

The Dynamics of Selective Hearing

The only one thing that you asked for was for the garbage to be taken out. A little bit later you realize your partner didn’t do it. When you ask why they didn’t do it, your partner responds “I never heard you ask me”. Why are you not surprised that your partner didn’t hear the […]

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Your General Health Could be Impacted by Hearing Loss – Here Are 4 Ways

Let’s face it, there’s no getting away from aging, and with it usually comes hearing loss. You can do some things to look younger but you’re still aging. But you may not be aware that a number of treatable health conditions have also been related to hearing loss. Here’s a look at a few examples, […]

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Could Earbuds be Damaging Your Ears?

Could Earbuds be Damaging Your Ears?

Have you ever forgotten your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the laundry or maybe lost them altogether? Suddenly, your morning jog is a million times more boring. Your commute or train ride is dreary and dull. And the sound quality of your virtual meetings suffers significantly. The old saying “you […]

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If You Have Sudden Hearing Loss, It’s Crucial to Act Fast

We usually think of hearing loss as something that advances gradually. It can be easy to miss the symptoms due to this. It’s nothing to concern yourself with, you simply need the volume on the TV a bit louder, no big deal, right? In some cases that’s true but often, it isn’t. In some situations, […]

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Improve Cognitive Function With These 5 Fun Activities

Improve Cognitive Function With These 5 Fun Activities

As your body gets older, it isn’t difficult to notice the changes. You get wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your joints begin to stiffen. Your skin becomes a bit droopy in places. Perhaps your eyesight and your hearing both start to fade a little. It’s pretty difficult not to see these changes. […]

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You May be Missing a Lot if You’re Having Trouble Hearing at Work

For just a minute, imagine that you have a job as a salesperson. Now imagine that you have a call scheduled today with a really valuable client. Multiple representatives from their offices have gathered to talk about whether to employ your business for the job. As the call goes on, voices rise and fall…and are […]

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Minimizing Hearing Loss – Three Basic Steps

Minimizing Hearing Loss – Three Basic Steps

Pizza is a fascinating thing. You can switch the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few general criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. Symptoms and presentations are caused by numerous different issues, loud noises, genetics, age, or ear obstructions, but as long […]

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